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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Fable : The Lost Chapters System : Xbox Date Added : 2006-01-14 15:05:28 Views : 17290 Rose Cottage: Unlimited Silver Keys: This trick requires a spade. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest. However, you will get Evil points. Then, do a hero save and then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this as many times as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key. Hero Save Exploit In the middle of a quest, if you use a hero save and reload the save, you will start at the beginning of the quest as if you had never begun, and you will retain all items that you obtained during the last run of the quest. This is especially useful in the Arena, where vast amounts of money can be made if used right. This exploit can also be used to get infinite silver keys, potions, etc if used during missions. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Fable : The Lost Chapters cheat codes.
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